Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Reading is more fun with a buddy!

This year I was fortunate enough to meet some of the students that are a part of a program housed at our school site. Meeting them made such an impact on me that I wanted to share that experience with my students. My coworker, Ms. Alfonso, suggested that I work with Ms. Oliver's PMH class and we teamed up as "Book Buddies". We  read Animal Farm to Ms. Oliver's first period students. This was followed up by a multisensory arts and crafts project.

Reading to the students

Seniors helped the buddies color the animals

Ms. Oliver hosted an art show to display some of the work she helped her students complete and invited the school to visit her class.
Seniors visiting the exhibit

Her students helped to remove the seeds from the pumpkins.



  1. Paola Payano : what is the life style in school?
    What type of music do they listen to?

    1. I bought two CDs yesterday in the market one has a reggae beat and one a hip hop beat but the words are in Arabic. I also saw CDs of Enrique Iglesias and some vendor stalls were pplaying Rhianna (go figure).

  2. Mar'kesha Miller : what is the fashion trend Like?

    1. I have seen lots of people in jeans, it is cold so many are wearing jackets and sweaters. Some people cover their hair and wear more traditional looking clothes but for the most part they dress like people in the west.

  3. D'andra Washington : what kind of food do they eat?

    1. I have had chicken liver, beef, anchovies, coucous, turney pastry, calamari. The food is delicious and not that different from what I would eat at home. I also had soup and they eat bread with everything and lots of olives and dates.

  4. Thomas Jones : do they have a McDonald's?

    1. I have not seen a McDonalds but I did see a Pizza Hut. Maybe as I get out more.

  5. Are the schools big?

  6. How do public schools in Florida and public schools over there differ?
